Aesthetic rhinoplasty

A beautiful balanced nose is an important component to a harmonious face.

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure which aims to correct, change the shape and/or reconstruct the nose. The aim of surgery is to improve the nose cosmetically (straighten the nosereduce a hump or change the nasal tip), to maintain or improve function and to produce a result that has a natural, non-operated appearance.

Customized rhinoplasty techniques allow us to sculpt your nose à la carte in harmony with your face.

The rhinoplasty procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia.

During the consultation, we always use the VECTRA® 3D camera to produces three-dimensional photographs of the nose and face. This allows us to simulate a possible and realistic surgical outcome and it is an excellent communication tool between the patient and the surgeon.

Further, since function and form are intimately linked, it is recommended to proceed to a full nasal functional evaluation before any rhinoplasty.

Other areas of the face that directly influence facial balance and the aspect of the nose will also be addressed during the consultation (e.g. the anatomy of the chin, forehead and glabella). When indicated, some treatments e.g. a chin implant in a patient with a recessed chin, may be a powerful solution to improve your facial profile and overall facial aesthetics. See here (link profileplasty)

The nasal skin is crucial for the surgical outcome after rhinoplasty (especially in patients with thick skin, rosacea or acne). Some patients may benefit from a preoperative skin conditioning program. See here


Treatment: Aesthetic rhinoplasty
Duration of Treatment: About 2-4 hours
Anesthesia: Usually general anesthesia
Hospitalization: Outpatient or inpatient with 1-2 nights
Follow-up Treatment: Control visits at 1,2 and 4 weeks. Further visits at 3,6 and 12 months.
Social life: About 1 week after
To be considered: 2-3 weeks without sport
Costs: From CHF 7’500
Further questions: Contact Us


What are open and closed rhinoplasty?

Depending on the nasal anatomy, rhinoplasty may be done either via an open or closed approach.

An open approach provides improved visualization of the underlying nasal framework and is a more direct route for surgical manipulation. The small scar left at the nose base is barely visible after the healing process.

In an endonasal rhinoplasty, also known as closed rhinoplasty, incisions are made inside the nasal passages. These incisions are hidden and are not visible after surgery. Endonasal rhinoplasty offers a limited view of and dissection of nasal tissues.

What happens after the surgery?

A small cast/splint is applied to the nose for the first week post-surgery and most of the swelling is improved by the time the cast is removed. Within two weeks, the bruising and swelling will be greatly reduced and can be hidden under makeup. Significant improvement and an 80% reduction in swelling are apparent after six weeks, 90% within three months and 95% within six months. The final cosmetic result is achieved after 12 months when the skin has conformed to its new framework.